MEET KAREN AND ALEJANDRO AT DIRECT FROM THE FIELD Karen and Alejandro with their three children at their new home - the first dignified home they've owned - in La Bendicion. BRINGING RURAL NICARAGUA TO YOU A baby screaming, toys crashing, roosters crowing – this set the cacophonous scene for…
Read MoreFRANSECA & PETRONILO'S PATH TO PROSPERITY There's that smile. Meet Franseca, a feisty and determined mother in San José who needs your support. "THEY KNOW WE'LL TEACH THEM" This week I talked to my coworker about why families come to Agros. She said, "Families don't show up to Agros asking…
Read MoreANNOUNCING OUR 2016-2017 VILLAGE PLANS We believe that it’s possible to build thriving communities with the poorest families in Central America. As our long-term supporters, you know this is not an easy process: it takes time, tremendous effort from our families, close involvement from the staff, and an enormous dose…
Read MoreWHAT LAKE GROVE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TAUGHT ME ABOUT FAITH, LOVE, AND LETTING GO Linda, Andrea, Jan, and Libby of Lake Grove Presbyterian Church's Honduras mission team with girls from Bella Vista. THE PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO REPLACE ME The Honduras missions team at Lake Grove Presbyterian Church is going…
Read MoreWHY MONTHLY GIVING MATTERS TO ME One of the communities that Kelly's monthly donations support, Tierra Nueva, a village of 150 families climbing determinedly out of poverty in Nicaragua. Giving back to my community has always been something I care about. Tithing has been a way I have traditionally given back…
Read MoreYOUR GIFTS IN ACTION EMPOWERING MOMS LIKE YOU That's me, Nekita, the Annual Fund Manager here, and my one and only "Sugar Mama" Greyson. HOW DO YOU SHOW MOM YOU CARE? I appreciate a backrub and breakfast in bed as much as any mom. Actually ... since my girls are still babies…
Read MoreTIERRA NUEVA'S KIDS LEARN, LAUGH, AND GROW - THANKS TO YOU Yajaira leads class in Tierra Nueva's beautiful new schoolhouse, built through your generosity and a partnership with rural school builing expert, BuildOn. IMAGINE THE MOST CHARMING BLUE SCHOOLHOUSE… The laughter of children filters through the open windows of the…
Read MoreThe temperature is getting warmer ... The sun is shining brighter ... And (for now) it’s not raining! These are all great reasons to attend Agros International’s Open House on May 12th – but that's not all. Here are 5 more reasons you'll want to make your way to our Seattle office at 6:00…
Read MoreESCAPING VIOLENCE AND ADDICTION THROUGH STEADFAST SUPPORT Gloria and her children work on homework at their kitchen table in Bella Vista, Honduras. Photo by Sebastian Guerra Fuentes. SURVIVING TOOK PRIORITY Before they came to live in Agros’ Bella Vista village in Honduras, Juan José and Gloria’s family lived in a…
Read MoreTIERRA NUEVA - SAN JOSÉ PARTNERSHIP LEVERAGES YOUR INVESTMENT We tell you stories about Agros families working together in their villages all the time; it’s a part of our model. But did you know that different Agros communities work together, too? A great example of village collaboration that leverages infrastructure…
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