“Poverty does not belong in civilized human society. Its proper place is in a museum.”
Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Laureate and Founder of Grameen Bank
Poverty is a fearless enemy, a cruel and brutal inhuman condition that no one should suffer nor experience. However, hundreds of millions are trapped on it worldwide. Our collective efforts are slowly paying off. There is no other moment in history where poverty has been as low as it is today. Yet, 719 million continue to live on $2.15 per day as of 2022. That is 28 million in Latin America & the Caribbean alone living in the misery of extreme poverty. Be motivated to act! Join us as we venture forward with a thoughtful approach putting our collective energy, efforts, and resources to work.
At Agros we have been fighting poverty for over 38 years, we have made mistakes and learned from our own errors, but along the way, we have transformed lives. There is no silver bullet for breaking poverty, but we do know there are key elements for cracking the antipoverty code as one of our Board members frequently says.
We see Hope Work.
Providing singular solutions like water or credit are incredible ways to improve a person’s wellbeing but alone are insufficient. Effective solutions demand working with the entire family circle. Yes, women-oriented programs are particularly important but once again insufficient on their own. We must design programs that involve and support every single family member. All must participate and gain ownership in implementing the solutions. Finally, breaking poverty is not only an economic or income-based matter but a spiritual one. We all must feed our bodies, minds, and souls to be truly whole.
At Agros, we cannot claim that we have cracked the antipoverty code, but we know our model works. Because Agros is holistic, we are not taking any shortcuts.
When a family joins an Agros’ village, they come literally hanging their entire life’s assets on their backs, traumatized by the experience of poverty. As in any new endeavor, it is difficult to get started. Our model is not easy, as it puts the responsibility of progress on each family. We are active facilitators. We must support manifesting HOPE for our families because Hope is the fuel for endurance. Agros provides the training and the technical expertise, but the families do the farming and practice saving, it is difficult and many quit.
In fact, one of every five families abandons the village within the first 60 days – just 2 months of a journey that requires hard work and persistence for four to six years. So, yes, our staff are skilled motivators and have sharpened their emotional intelligence, because HOPE is as important as agriculture or financial literacy skills.
As you will read in the 2022 Annual Report, we have exciting results, we have proof that HOPE WORKS. The average Agros family with at least four years in the model has accumulated a net worth of between $24,000 to $36,000. In the spring of 2022, I met with Walter and Jamileth, from the Agros village of La Bendicion in Nicaragua. Walter, like 99% of the men who live there, used to be a day laborer who struggled for employment and who in the best case could secure three maybe four days of paid work per week.
Walter and his family used to live in terrible conditions. Going hungry and skipping meals was normal. He shared how incapable he felt to provide for his loved ones, how living like this he said, “messes with your mind and your soul.” Jamileth felt the same. Both were resigned to believing misery was the life they must have. When seeing others live well, more than envy, what they saw felt impossible. This is no longer the case. Their faces smile brightly when talking about their lives now.
Families in La Bendicion, where Walter lives, moved from working in the coffee fields of big haciendas to growing and owning 9000 coffee trees in just five years. Walter, like all families in this village, had a blessed harvest and for the first time in almost fifteen years received excellent international prices. When I was there, Walter commented, “When Agros goes to settle our coffee accounts, I know that with this recent harvest I will be able to pay for all my land and have extra dollars for my family!”
Walter was right! And I am happy to report to all of you, our Agros friends and donors, that he had an outstanding production which generated $16,000 in export sales! With this harvest, Walter and Jamileth both became landowners as the land title is under both names, because men and women have equal rights of ownership. Walter now has plans to buy more land, or maybe even a truck. Jamileth is thinking about improving her house and establishing a small shop. You can see hope in their eyes and God’s love in the family.
Stories like the one of Walter and Jamileth are not hand-picked exceptions. This is what effective, holistic, and patient programs plus your generous and caring support make possible. Walter and Jamileth are the heroes of a story that would never happen without you.
When you support Agros, be assured that you are making a real difference. Your generosity translates into families owning land, a dignified home with access to all essential services. With your help, they establish profitable farms, build successful businesses, and acquire important farm equipment. Further, your support represents educated, food-secured and healthy children, who can dare to dream, as their parents become the last generation in their family lineage to have experienced poverty.
I hope you are inspired to lean in with Agros. This is only a glimpse of the success of Agros families. I look forward to an opportunity to tell you more about our work in the field and how you can continue to transform lives that need you.
Together we can make Yunus’s dream of putting poverty in a museum a reality for thousands, and one day billions, of families.
With appreciation and gratitude,
Alberto Solano
President & Executive Director
Agros International
To the Agros community of generous supporters, you are making a difference now and helping to build pathways to prosperity for families in the near future. We are blessed to have a strong, and committed group of believers in the Agros mission. The Annual Report is one way in which we hope to demonstrate just how your support has transformed lives.
I genuinely hope that you enjoy the stories of transformation, and see the real impact being made every day. As a community in 2021 we were a collective of 752 individual donors who gave more than $2.9 Million in philanthropic support – just incredible. Together, you attended our events, webinars, answered our call for support in many ways, and invited friends and family to join. Because of you, 2021 raised more support, shared more hope and transformed more lives, than previous years.
As the newest member of the Agros Seattle team, I am constantly impressed and inspired by the hard work I see in the families we serve, and the dedication of our community to come together and solve the problem of poverty. Thank you for your invaluable support. Thank you all who have given so generously bringing Land, Hope and Life to those in need.
Somos Agros, Somos Famila.