
2023 Vision: Harvest of Hope Center

Holistic Prosperity

This is part of the 2023 Vision Report – Click here to go back to the report.

Click here to go to view the full PDF  report.

Because extreme poverty is pervasive, especially in rural Central America, we are committed to serving thousands more families and expanding Agros’ impact from independently established villages to regions. We have the ability and methodology to reach into surrounding communities to provide transformational interventions benefitting several villages at once. The ability to create prosperity with holistic services focused on sustainable income through commercial agriculture is an impact that is scalable and replicable.

One of those ways is the Harvest of Hope Center.

What is a Harvest of Hope Center (HHC)?

A Harvest of Hope Center is our inspirational name for an agribusiness incubator hub. The hub combines and leverages technology, tools, materials, labor, and resources that small-scale farmers need to compete at a commercial level. An HHC allows farmers to adopt technology, have direct market access, and receive mentorship to run modern & profitable farms.

We are transforming 40 acres in the village of La Bendicion into a state-of-the-art regional agricultural center – designed for small-scale farmers and strategically located to serve six communities and benefit approx. 2000 persons.

What will you find at a Harvest of Hope Center?
  • Hydroponic learning centers offering training in everything from setting drip irrigation to commercial production of fully hydroponic vegetables.
  • Plant nurseries providing education and training in the selection of, care for, and distribution of hardy plant starts to meet the local need and changing demands.
  • Biofertilizer production leveraging local materials to reinvigorate the soil, meet the diverse nutritional needs of each crop, and reduces the need for petrochemical fertilizers.
  • Post-harvest processing meeting each buyer’s unique requirements and ensures that as much product as possible goes to market at the best price.
  • Market education and strategy positions each farmer for success and leverages their shared influence to secure reliable contracts and establish a strong industry reputation.
Why a regional center and not a village-specific center?

Because, we need to do more! Help more families. Change more lives. The La Bendicion Harvest of Hope Center is our chance to extend a hand across village borders to help neighbors grow together – grow their crops, their income, and their prosperity, across an entire region.

By coming together, families unlock access to so much more than they can do alone. It is not a lack of hard work or determination… access is what separates subsistence farming from a thriving agribusiness – where the intelligent stewardship of land generates substantial wealth.

Families in the HHC will receive access to:

  • Infrastructure – machinery, green houses, irrigation
  • Buying Power – seeds, starts, fertilizer
  • Education – planting strategies, crop-specific techniques, pest control
  • Reliable Markets – transportation, pricing, contracts

The La Bendicion Harvest of Hope Center is the place it all starts – where families can access their full potential. It will gather a community of eager, motivated hard-working people ready to learn and grow so all are lifted up – neighbor to neighbor.

You are part of that community, too, and we are so grateful. We hope you will keep the La Bendicion HHC in your prayers.


We have set ambitious goals, but we know incredible people like you are by our side. Our Agros community is a blessing because it is a community who shares in God’s steadfast love. You join in our mission, see and understand the challenges that face our communities, and continue to jump in feet first to answer God’s call to participate in the restoration and reconciliation of people, places, and systems.

“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received”

1 Peter 4:10

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions and follow us on social media to stay updated.
