Motivated by God’s love for all people, and specifically by his special concern for the poor and vulnerable, Agros International empowers families and communities to build a life and a future established in opportunity and hope.
Agros’ mission is inspired and animated by the life of Jesus Christ. Agros’ work is an expression of Jesus’ Kingdom mission in the world: a mission of healing and reconciliation of persons, peoples, and systems (Is. 65:17 – 25). Jesus spent his time with the brokenhearted, the disenfranchised, and the marginalized. He elevated the status of women and modeled an alternative worldview that challenges injustice. We are inspired by the conviction that we too are invited into his Way of living and that we have opportunity to participate with him in his healing work in the world.
Core to Agros’ mission is to invite others to join with us. We are fully invested in authentic, life-giving relationships. At the heart of Agros’ work is the formation of a broad community of engaged and compassionate people dedicated to partnership in this healing mission.