
Lemon Grove of Hope

Generational Change at Work

Author: Molly Delamarter

On a recent Sunday afternoon, the Agros Board of Directors gathered in front of a group of excited children lined up for a surprise activity. After introducing themselves as the San Jose Environmental Brigade, the 8–15-year-olds recited their manifesto and ended with the team slogan “The Earth is not our planet, it is our home.” And taking care of ‘our home’ is just what these kids intend to do. Whether it’s picking up garbage, sharing what they’ve learned about conservation, or envisioning a bright future for their communities, these kids are all-in. 

An example of their commitment was evident before us. The Agros Health and Well-Being Staff had worked with the kids to prepare a plot of land in Nueva San Jose for a lemon-grove. Sharing that it takes 3 years for a lemon tree to mature, the children invited us to partner with them to plant the trees and promised to carefully look after them for the next 3 years. As each pair knelt to carefully plant our sapling, we were so moved by the hopeful nature of watching this grove, and these children, mature in this caring environment. Each pair signed our names on the stakes near each tree and imagined the joy of seeing that grove laden with lemons in the future.

Led by Francisco Picado, the Nicaragua Health and Well Being team is dedicated to programming that makes for a healthier community. Their holistic programs support the whole village at all ages and stages. For the youth, Francisco (Frank) says that “participating in the Environmental Brigade brings joy to kids who, despite their young age, feel empowered and enthusiastic about their role in conservation and protection of our natural resources.”

But the impact goes even further.  

The adults in Agros villages are also learning that sustainability comes from protecting the resources that the whole community relies on. They are committed to practices that protect their shared watershed, forests, and soil. They see the benefits on their own farms, and they’re proud to see their kids adopting these values.

And while this specific program was only initiated in 2022, the impact has already caught the attention of the local mayor! The nearby Agros village of La Bendicion, which hosts another committed environmental brigade, was just awarded recognition as the cleanest village in the municipality in 2023.  

From the beginning, Agros has recognized that helping families exit poverty for good requires thoughtful consideration for the health of the families and the villages that they live in. We are so fortunate to have a team of professionals who think creatively, care deeply, and inspire hope for the future.

For all of us who were there that day, a little lemon grove in Nueva San Jose will stand as a symbol of that Hope.

— Molly Delamarter

Picture of Molly Delamarter

Molly Delamarter

Relationship Manager at Agros International.
You can reach her directly at

2 thoughts on “Lemon Grove of Hope

  1. […] Lemon Grove of Hope • Agros January 5, 2024 at 12:40 pm […]

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